Thursday 29 October 2015


Trailer script

Car shots driving up the road, inside car shits , car driving past the camera

Everyone gets out of the car and starts to look at the building in front of them.

 close up on Georgia "it looks amazing "

Long shot everyone looking amazed

Taylor in the house " i cant believe we have the house for the whole weekend"

 Dining table room

At the dining table, Bradley "Who's that’

Taylor " i don't know, ill go check"

As she walks down the corridor the knocks get louder

Shot of everyone at the table Cameron gets up

Taylor shouts "hello...who,s there"

Slowly opens the door ,

No ones there

 shot from outside looking at the house where taylor is standing

Taylor "That was weird"

Nicole "Who was is?"

Taylor " there was no one there when i answered the door"

Cameron " Probably just some kids messing about" 


Cameron and Georgia

*loud noise

Georgia "What was that?"

Cameron "What was what?"

Georgia "I heard a loud bang "

Cameron " its an old house, it was probably  nothing "

Other shots

Point of view shot from outside the window looking in on the house

Owen standing at the window in a mask holding he knife

Owen dragging a knife across a wall

Point of view shot, owen outside the house looking in

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