This poster varies from other existing horror posters as the main image isn’t of a character in the movie. Instead there is a ring in the middle of the page. The white contrasts with the black background making it stand out. The ring itself also gives a supernatural sense to the film.
The font in the middle of the page is written in a handwriting type font. This may indicate to the audience that there is a small child involved in the film, however to poster does not give away a lot of information, making the audience want to see the film.
The slogan to the film, at the top of the page, links in with the name of the film ‘Before you die, you see the ring’ This gives the audience some information that the ring is involved in the film and immediately gives it bad connotations and makes the audience look out for it.
The colour scheme of the poster is black and white. The black gives a sense of mystery to the film. The black also gives connotations of death.
The credits at the bottom of the page are a typical convention of a poster as they give credit to the producers and cast members.
It is typical that a website is shown at the bottom of a poster. This gives the audience a place they can visit to get more information on the movie.
The lines in the poster and the reflection of the slogan could give the audience an insight into the narrative as it cold represent the static on a TV.
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