Thursday, 17 December 2015
Friday, 4 December 2015
Friday, 27 November 2015
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Seaton Delaval Hall and Beamish
Today I phone Beamish hall to enquire about another shooting day. I am unable to shoot the front door scene due to there being events on however I am waiting to hear back about shooting the bedroom scenes. I have contacted Seaton Delaval Hall to see if I am able to shoot some scenes there and am waiting for an E-mail or phone call from them.
Friday, 20 November 2015
These were my initial plans for my trailer however when filming I did add in some new shots and slightly alter the existing ones. For example the close up of the main girl saying "I don't know, no one was there" I changed to a medium/long shot when actually filming.
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
On the 11th November I took all 6 of my cast to Beamish Hall to shoot parts of my trailer. I shot scenes of the exterior and Interior . Here is a list of shots and screenshots that I took while in beamish:
1. First I shot scenes of the car driving towards the house. I took a range of different shots such as a tracking shot of the car going up the drive and a POV shot from onside the car.
2. I then filmed scenes of the cast getting out the car and walking up to the house.
3. The next scene I shot was from inside the house. This was a conversation between 5 of the cast.
4. I filmed multiple shots of the killer walking down halls and sitting in a chair in a dark room of the house.
1. First I shot scenes of the car driving towards the house. I took a range of different shots such as a tracking shot of the car going up the drive and a POV shot from onside the car.
2. I then filmed scenes of the cast getting out the car and walking up to the house.
3. The next scene I shot was from inside the house. This was a conversation between 5 of the cast.
4. I filmed multiple shots of the killer walking down halls and sitting in a chair in a dark room of the house.
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Trailer script
Car shots driving up the road, inside car shits , car
driving past the camera
Everyone gets out of the car and starts to look at the
building in front of them.
close up on Georgia
"it looks amazing "
Long shot everyone looking amazed
Taylor in the house " i cant believe we have the house
for the whole weekend"
Dining table room
At the dining table, Bradley "Who's that’
Taylor " i don't know, ill go check"
As she walks down the corridor the knocks get louder
Shot of everyone at the table Cameron gets up
Taylor shouts "hello...who,s there"
Slowly opens the door ,
No ones there
shot from outside
looking at the house where taylor is standing
Taylor "That was weird"
Nicole "Who was is?"
Taylor " there was no one there when i answered the
Cameron " Probably just some kids messing
Cameron and Georgia
*loud noise
Georgia "What was that?"
Cameron "What was what?"
Georgia "I heard a loud bang "
Cameron " its an old house, it was probably nothing "
Other shots
Point of view shot from outside the window looking in on the
Owen standing at the window in a mask holding he knife
Owen dragging a knife across a wall
Point of view shot, owen outside the house looking in
Friday, 9 October 2015
Horror Trailer Location
I would like the location of my horror trailer to be at Beamish hall. I have recently phoned the accommodation and have been given permission to use their Hall to shoot my trailer. Here are some shots of the interior and exterior of the building.
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Special Death- Mirah
Today I E-mailed Terrorbird publishing to ask for the use of Their song 'Special Death' By Mirah For the end of my horror trailer. The attached image is the E-mail I sent to someone in the publishing company.
Friday, 2 October 2015
Use of 'Tonight you belong' By Patience and Pruence
I recently sent an email to Sony/ATV Music Publishing to request to use the song 'Tonight you belong to me' by Patience and Prudence for the beginning of my horror Trailer. I quickly got a response from them requesting I fill out a form which I completed and send back.
Thursday, 1 October 2015
Friday, 25 September 2015
Horror trailer music
These were my ideas for the music for my trailer. My idea was to have the first song "tonight you belong to me" playing at the beginning of the trailer when one of the characters go to answer the door. Once the character reaches for the handle and goes to answer the door the music will stop."Scary tension/ suspense music" would play during the typical build up of action scenes in the middle of the trailer. I would then have " special death" playing as the credits came up at the end of the trailer.
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Friday, 18 September 2015
Breakdown of shots for my horror trailer
Equilibrium the people arrive at the house,
sunny day people are chatting. They get out the car and walk into the house.
the house they are looking around at how old it is. High angle shot. One of
them reacts in a bad way and says they have a strange feeling.
They are all sitting in a room together. There
is a knock at the door so one of them gets up to see who it is.
She goes to the door and opens it but there is
no one there so she goes out and looks around the garden then shuts the door.
Long shot of her at the door from behind a tree/
Shots of people in hoods going through the
She’s in the house and can hear creaking on the
floor boards.
Goes to a window
yells ‘I thought I told you to shut the window’ woman then gets grabbed
2 friends try to look for her in the woods
nearby with torches. Include point of view shots from friends running through
the woods. Shots of her friends running.
Ends with her friends shouting the friend’s
name. Shot of their faces. Phones won’t work at house and their car won’t
start. Realisation on faces.
Fast paste scenes. Interference on tv. Can hear
her friends shouting back from the woods. Chase sequence. Message written on
the window in blood. Bathroom look in
mirror door shits behind her. Close up of killers face. Dead body. Someone
being dragged through the woods. The back of the killer with a knife behind his
back. Running down the passage. Slamming doors. Girl goes into room on her own,
hear the killer coming.
Shots off doors being locked, point of view.
Weapons. Phone ringing message. Door bursts open and you don’t see
'Final scare' ideas
1. Woman sitting in the corner of the room holding a torch in her hand with all of the lights off. She turns on the torch to see a close up, point of view shot of a man wearing a mask right in front of her.
2. Woman hides under the bed. Diegetic sound woman heavily breathing. man drags her from under the bed by her feet.
3. Woman hides in a wardrobe with a torch on and you can see her face light up through the torch light.
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Horror film narrative
A group of teenagers stay in a rented house in a small town for the weekend. Things take a dreaded turn when the house gets invaded by terrifying trespassers in frightening masks. Little do they know the whole town is in on it...
Monday, 7 September 2015
Friday, 4 September 2015
Empire magazine -Cover analysis
The cover has the "Empire" masthead which is displayed on every cover of empire magazine. Even though some of the image is covering the masthead, because Empire is such a well known magazine the audience can easily recognise the magazine from the font and the colour red.
The colour scheme for this edition is red, white and black. The red has connotations of danger which links in with the genre of the film featured on the cover which is the thriller movie "I Am Legend," The white contrasts and stands out behind the black background and the image.
It is clearly shown that Will Smith is the man character in the film featured as he is the character on the cover and the image of him is the largest and centred on the cover.
The black and white background gives us the impression of a light Vs Dark effect and Will Smith is standing in the light, therefore the audience knows he will be the "Hero" type character.
The use of fog in the background adds to the sense of mystery in the image and has connotations of something being unclear which draws the audience into the magazine.
In the main image Will Smith is holding a gun, this gives Will a strong, masculine image and makes him look powerful. His reaction however gives the audience the impression he is scared of something.
The smaller images at the bottom of the page make the cover more visual and is more likely to attract the audience.
The story hooks are placed at either side of the image in white and red to link with the colour scheme of the cover. The "I Am Legend" story hook however is in a much bigger font as it is the most important article and is the one which is more likely to engage most readers.
Other typical conventions are also displayed on the cover such as the barcode, issue date and price of the magazine.
Thursday, 3 September 2015
The Ring -Poster analysis
This poster varies from other existing horror posters as the main image isn’t of a character in the movie. Instead there is a ring in the middle of the page. The white contrasts with the black background making it stand out. The ring itself also gives a supernatural sense to the film.
The font in the middle of the page is written in a handwriting type font. This may indicate to the audience that there is a small child involved in the film, however to poster does not give away a lot of information, making the audience want to see the film.
The slogan to the film, at the top of the page, links in with the name of the film ‘Before you die, you see the ring’ This gives the audience some information that the ring is involved in the film and immediately gives it bad connotations and makes the audience look out for it.
The colour scheme of the poster is black and white. The black gives a sense of mystery to the film. The black also gives connotations of death.
The credits at the bottom of the page are a typical convention of a poster as they give credit to the producers and cast members.
It is typical that a website is shown at the bottom of a poster. This gives the audience a place they can visit to get more information on the movie.
The lines in the poster and the reflection of the slogan could give the audience an insight into the narrative as it cold represent the static on a TV.
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Sunday, 30 August 2015
The Breakfast Club

In the opening scene of the breakfast club the stereotypical high school groups are represented in the Mise-en-Scene, camera shots and sound.
When the narrator explains the cliques which teenagers are categorised into they are also represented through the Mise-En-Scene.
For example the "Brain" denotes a computer room which symbolises that this teen belongs to the social group which is considered to be the "geeks"
When he arrives at the school his mam drops him off, the non diegetic speech in this scene is his mother suggesting he studies during detention, this emphasises the high school group that he belongs to. The cars registration plate also reads "EMC2" which stands for a well known maths equation.
When the athlete is mentioned the shot shows a locker room which represents this teenagers belonging to the group who are stereotypically known to be the "Jocks" When dropped off at school his dad is talking about his scholarship which is related to his "clique" as it is a sports scholarship. His social group is also represented in his clothing as he is shown in the shot wearing a jacket for his school wrestling team.
The "Basket case" typically belonged to the "loner" group, this is denoted through a shot of the guidance councillors office. When she arrives at the school she quickly gets out the car, unlike most of the others there is no communication between her and her parent.
When the "Princess" is mentioned the shot denotes a prom queen poster, this connotes that she is popular. She arrives in a BMW which has connotations that her family is posh and well off. We also get this impression because her father mentions that she has detention for skipping school to go shopping.
The "criminal" is denoted through a shot of his locker which reads a threatening message " open this locker and you die" He walks in front of one of the cars crossing the road with no caution which adds to his criminal and rebellious image.
Mean girls
In this scene of mean girls high school teenagers are represented through the Mise-en-scene, camera shots and sound.
At the beginning of the scene Janis gives Cady a sheet which denotes tables in the school cafeteria. On this sheet we are shows the tables labelled with cliques.
After this we hear the non diegetic sound of "where you sit in the cafeteria is crucial "
This implies that she needs to sit with what is suppose to be the right "clique" for her and that everyone needs to belong to one.
When Janis reads out the seating arrangement the camera shows medium close ups of the tables as she reads them out denoting what she is saying as she is saying it. These shots show the stereotypical characteristics of what people who belong to these certain groups will look like.

In a scene in "Clueless" Cher shows a new student around a school. During this she explains the "Cliques" which are present at the school. While Cher is pointing out the different groups the camera pans around outside school so that each group is in the shot as Cher talks about them. She also informs her on the properties that are required to be apart of a certain group for example when the camera pans over Cher says "you can't hang out with them unless you own a BMW"
Friday, 24 April 2015
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Thursday, 16 April 2015
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Evaluation: Question 5 (Uses and and gratifications)
By researching conventions of a music magazine and asking my target audience their ideas about the magazine I was able to target my product carefully to ensure that I meet the needs outlined in the uses and gratifications theory.
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
Monday, 13 April 2015
Sunday, 12 April 2015
Saturday, 11 April 2015
Thursday, 9 April 2015
Audience Response(Double Page)Question 2
What did you think of the colour scheme used in the Article?
Audience Response(contents page) Question 2
Can you tell the contents page is from the same magazine as the cover? how?
Audience Response(contents page) Question 1
What do you think of the way the contents page is set out?
Sunday, 5 April 2015
double page coulour scheme
For the colour scheme of the double page I used blue, white and black. I used these colours because I wanted the article to be separated and stand out from the colour scheme of the rest of the magazine, which is red, white and black, however I waned to to keep to the house style so that it was clear that it still came from the magazine. To do this I kept the black and white as these are simple but bold colours and then used the main colour as blue and used some of the fonts which as featured in other pages of the magazine.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
For the double page article I used the software InDesign instead of Photoshop. I did this because I think InDesign is an easier and more precise software to create a double page article. In InDesign you can clearly see the separation of the first and second page and it is easier to inset columns in them. The software shows you the space in between each columns and tells you when they are evenly lined up. This made it easier to get my text lined up straight and have an even space in between each of my columns. This also allowed me to straighten up my article title so I had the text in the correct position.
Sunday, 8 March 2015
Thursday, 5 March 2015
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Saturday, 28 February 2015
Sunday, 22 February 2015
Thursday, 12 February 2015
contents page progress 6
For the text on my contents page I placed all of the text on the
left side of the page. Like one of my style models from 'Q' magazine I separated the different story hooks in coloured boxes adding headings such as 'features' and 'on the cover.' I thought that this made it easier for the reader to find certain articles which caught their eye on the cover. I put pictures of the main people on the right side of the page so the readers can immediately identify the pages which may interest them the most.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015
Friday, 30 January 2015
Thursday, 29 January 2015
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Monday, 26 January 2015
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Friday, 23 January 2015
Thursday, 22 January 2015
Monday, 19 January 2015
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